The Cousteau Society is holding its first ever art competition!
Take this opportunity to show off your art skills for the chance to have your artwork featured on the cover of the summer edition of Cousteau Kids!
Springtime is baby time for many in the animal world, and the ocean is full of adorable aquatic infants. We want you to create a picture of your favorite marine animal as a cuddly, squishy, fuzzy, slimy, lovable baby.
The winner will receive:
• 10 copies of the magazine with their winning artwork
• A feature on our website
• A feature in one copy of our direct mail solicitation
Select runners-up will be featured on the inside of the magazine and given two free copies.
Send submissions unfolded in a sturdy 9×12 envelope to:
4 East 27th Street
P.O. Box 20321
New York, NY 10001
Not subscribed to Cousteau Kids yet? Sign up here to get started on your underwater adventure!
Please be sure to include the artist’s full name and age (if under 18). All artwork needs to be your original imagery. Submissions must be received no later than February 9th, 2016* to be considered. Artwork should be 8.5×11 in size (no lined paper, please).
Good luck and have fun getting creative!