Livre d'or
Que le rêve du commandant revive en même temps que son navire “CALYPSO” et que son désir de protéger et de servir la terre enjendre d’autres missions de sauvegarde du respect des droits et devoirs que nous avons de protéger et de servir la terre qui nous a vu naitre, nouri, protéger Le commandant COUSTEAU avait compris cela et a transmit son message de paix envers la nature et les hommes qui la respect et qui doivent la respecter pour nos générations futur qui j’espére continurons le travail q’un homme a accompli et qui nous manque lui qui nous a appris et donné les outils a nous de senservir.
Zoran Petic
Best captain ever!
Vincent Brouillard
Joyeux anniversaire M.Cousteau, je suis originaire du quebec au Canada et je veux vous dire merci car vos images de nos étendues bleues parce que grâce à elles je me suis découvert une passion notre monde sous-marin que j’admire avec mon masque.
Pierre Yves. DUDAL
Mon Dieu que je suis fier de vous !! J’ai tellement de souvenir merveilleux et de passion pour tout ce qui a été accompli. J’espère que la Calypso finira par renaitre de ses blessures pour sillonner de nouveau nos mers et nos océans pour nous émerveiller de mille découvertes et secret. Mon fils à 6 ans aujourd’hui. Il a découverte cousteau des années 2000 a travers le dessin animé. Il tellement fan qu’il a pleuré devant la Calypso lorsque que je l’ai emmené la voir à Concarneau! S’il vous plait, ne vous arrêtez pas, la relève est là! Prête a perpétuer le souvenir de JyC
Juteau Lionel
A 45 ans j’ai pu realiser mon reve devenir plongeur et decouvrir.Ce reve remontait a mon enfance c’est vous qui l’avez initié Merci Monsieur Cousteau
Pearl Duval
Je viens tout juste d’apprendre le projet de remise en état de la Calypso. J’en ai pleuré de joie ! Ce merveilleux navire et son non moins merveilleux commandant ont bercé mon enfance avec leurs récits surprenants et des images fascinantes qui marquent au fer rouge dans mon jeune cerveau, toute la beauté de ce monde du silence, inconnu jusqu’alors ! Je ne suis pas scientifique ou océanographe ou biologiste, mais j’ai un respect profond pour la vie qui m’entoure et pour la Nature dont nous sommes tous redevables, et que nous avons le devoir de protéger. J’espère avoir un jour, enfin, la joie de voir la Calypso dans le port de Montréal, car je l’ai manqué lors de sa première visite au début des années 1980 !! Longue vie à la Calypso ! Longue vie à la famille Cousteau !!
Sylvie Noël
Merci commandant Cousteau d’avoir à jamais ouvert mes yeux sur la grandeur et la beauté de la mer et des océans. De m’avoir fait prendre conscience de leur fragilité et de l’importance de les protéger. J’espère que de là-haut vous gardez un oeil sur ce qui se passe ?
Joe Thompson, jr
My father was Joe Thompson, the U/W cameraman that worked with JYC on board Calypso for about 14 years during the late 60’s and 70’s. JYC personally told me my father was his best U/W cameraman that he has ever used. That was on board the Calypso in the late 80’s, here in San Diego. My father has subsequently passed away in 2001. I still have his U/W cameras and housings and having a hard time selling them, though they are in great condition and will work well for some time to come. Captain Cousteau brought my father to Marseilles in the early 60’s and trained him on piloting the diving saucer and then the ‘Sea Fleas’ as the U/W submersibles were called then. He is featured in the episode ‘The Incredible Diving Machines’ filmed at and near Catalina Island off the coast of So. Cal. My father was working as chief pilot of North American Rockwell’s submersible “Beaver Mark IV” and uses that sub in the episode as he lowers it onto a dock station in the show. He also pilots one of the ‘Sea Fleas’ in the show and has Andre Laban seek and rescue him in a wonderful dramatized scene in the show. We all shared in the thrill of watching “Silent World” and “World Without Sun” was it?… with the Captain and crew on visits to San Diego in the 1960’s. I worked with my father for many years on our wonderful award winning documentaries and still work in the industry with top professionals. I have 2 of the French flags that flew onboard the ‘Calypso’ of that era and one of the flags is from the famous Antarctic expedition with it’s frayed windblown ends and repaired patch. Both flags have my fathers writing on them stating; ‘R/V Calypso Aug. 1975’. I also have one of JYC’s personal jumpsuits with the calypso label that he gave to my father to wear, since they were near the same size. I am looking to donate them to the Cousteau Society or to sell the items. It was a real pleasure to have grown up on and around the ‘Calypso’ and to have the Captain and crew members come by our house and rousingly enjoy meals out where they ‘took over’ any restaurant or bar they happened in on. My Mother spoke fluent french and had many a conversation with the Captain and all of the old time crew members. Thanks to ‘the Captain’, Madam Cousteau and the wonderful crew members over the years that have helped us all to celebrate life through their grand expeditions. Joe, jr.
James H Jones
I can remember when I first met with Mose Richards who asked if my team would make a movie of Captain Cousteau. It changed diving for me forever. I also met Francine on that dive. She was very beautiful, very smart and very energetic, and seemed to really enjoy the diving even though the weather and seas were very rough. Later I really enjoyed even more helping Captain Cousteau with his Involvement day where he asked me to lectured on U/W Photography and U/W Cinematography, and U/W Marine Biology. JYC called me down to the main floor where I also helped James Taylor fix two of his guitars that were shipped in damaged. James Taylor was tall and his eyes were flashing over his two favorite guitars coming in damaged. I had access to a music store, with two of his new guitars. But his action and the way he played were so different we decided to tape them together and he played beautifully that night. Those were magical times. I remember JYC for one of the foremost minds in history of mankind probable better than Einstein or Edison. IN thought he approached things from the opposite angle we would and was always right. We continued to support the Cousteau Society with the funds we made from Seaspace, one of the largest U/W Film Festivals, of I which I was Director for two years, 1967 and 1969. I thought for many years we had donated the film “Diving With My Friends” to the Cousteau Society, but last year of all things my partner, Ron Blair sent me the film and it is in perfect shape. We would like to put it on Blue Ray and preserve it for posterity!
Nellah Bailey
I miss you, Cousteau! Happy 100th Birthday!!
Mike McKay
In the late 60’s I worked for U.S. Divers Company in Santa Ana, California. I had the awesome opportunity to board the Calypso and meet Jaques Cousteau. I still have a treasured photo of me shaking hands with Captain Cousteau on the deck of Calypso. I truly hope that one day soon the refurbishment of Calypso will be completed and will be capable of setting sail again. Mike McKay, Huntington Beach, CA
Mark Powell
I was a camera-man in my high school for 3 years, during the last year I found a copy of Diving for Sunken Treasure in the library. Your whole crew is an inspiration. I hope to one day learn to dive and film underwater…. Thank you so much for all that you do for me, and the ocean.. It is truly honorable.